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Root Chakra, Muladhara (Puretone) 396 Hz

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What is the Muladhara.

This is the root chakra, and is located at the base of the coccyx. It can be considered the foundation of your earthly existence and wellbeing.

When in balance you can feel stable and secure, characterised by emotions of calmness and self-sufficiency.

However, when not in balance you will feel less confident, energetic and independent. This music serves to rebalance this chakra, aligning your core, and stabilizing the root of your being. Try to focus your thoughts lightly on the base of your spine and listen to the music with just the Pure tone instrument to see if you can find a feeling of calm.

How to get the most from this audio.

This is a 30 minute audio, which I hope is sufficient for you start to experience the healing power of this frequency. To improve your chances, and to help any re-balancing occur, it is important to also have the 'intent' to make this work. This simply means keeping an open mind as to its healing potential and allowing at least a 20 minute uninterupted interval to experience and engage with the music. I would ask also for you to 'voice' the sound of the chakra, for even greater results. The sound is best said out loud, but can be spoken softly or whispered if you feel more comfortable.

The vowel sound for this chakra is a deep ‘Uh’. Focus your attention on the base of your spine and project your intention for the sound to resonate at the base of the spine. Then slowly and calmly repeat the vowel sound 7 times if possible.

As you listen to the music you will hear the vowel sound in the background of the music, which you can follow if needed.

Another option If this doesn’t work for you, is to recite affirmations such as ‘I am safe’ or ‘I am grounded’ can also be highly beneficial and can improve confidence for some.

Alternatively, if you do not want to participate in this way, just relax and enjoy the music. All the instruments are tuned to the healing 396 Hz frequency, including both the Duduk and Tanpura.

The Duduk is an ancient woodwind instrument, originating from Armenia, dating back as far as 95-55 BC, but found its way later to Middle East and the Caucasus.

The Tanpura is a long-necked plucked string instrument, originating from India. It sustains the sound of a single multi-toned note, whilst typically supporting the melody of other instruments.


If you purchase this music you will receive two files, one which includes the Duduk, which is an ancient woodwind instrument, playing a gentle melody, and the other file is without. The file without the Duduk simply focusses on the puretone to allow for a deeper focus. For others, listening to the melody of the Duduk can help relaxation. Maybe you can try both?

Enjoy, and I truly hope you find some joy and healing in my music.

Chakra: Root

Name: Muladhara

Colour: Red

Vowel: Uh (as in ‘huh’)

Element: Earth

Frequency: 396 Hz

Location: Base of the spine; tailbone


Copyright © 2022 Mishi. All rights reserved.

Please note this music is for personal use only and cannot be copied, reused, remixed, re-broadcasted or re-distributed in any way.

We are not licensed medical care providers and are not rendering personal medical advice or treatment in any way. All health related messages or music considered 'therapeutic' by the end user, are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treamtent from a physician or health care professional. If you are uncertain, we recommend that you seek advice from your quality health care professional before listening to any music that may impact your health and wellbeing.

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2 files available, both 30 minute in length (.mp3). One of the files include the Duduk, which is the woodwind instrument (as per the audio in the video), and the other is without.

- with Duduk
- without Duduk
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Root Chakra, Muladhara (Puretone) 396 Hz

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