Third Eye Chakra, Ajna, 852 Hz

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What is the Ajna.

The ajna (pronounced ‘agya’) is located between the eyes and influences your pituitary gland. Also known as the Third Eye Chakra, it is often used as a focal point during asana practice to develop more concentration and awareness.

It is associated with intuition, wisdom, insight, and serves as a channel for intellectual release and liberation through awareness and deep self-knowledge.

When not in balance, it may make you feel non-assertive and afraid of success. An imbalance can also manifest as physical problems like headaches, blurry vision, and eye strain.

When this chakra is active and balanced, a person feels more vibrant and confident, both spiritually and emotionally, along with improved ability to make decisions. In the absence of the fear, one becomes his own master and remains free of all attachment to material things.

This music will allow you to access the brain centre and pituitary gland, to regulate growth and development. It has been referred to as ‘the master gland’.

How to get the most from this audio.

This is a 30 minute audio, which I hope is sufficient for you start to feel the benefits of this frequency. To improve your chances, and to help any re-balancing occur, it is important to also have the 'intent' to make this work. This simply means keeping an open mind as to its healing potential and allowing at least a 20 minute uninterupted interval to experience and engage with the music. I would ask also for you to 'voice' the sound of the chakra, for even greater results. The sound is best said out loud, but can be spoken softly or whispered if you feel more comfortable.

The vowel sound for this chakra is ‘Aye’. Focus your attention and project the sound to the forehead. Then slowly and calmly repeat the vowel sound 7 times if possible. As it resonates at the third eye you may experience this energy centre aligning with a sense of greater balance and self-awareness.

As you listen to the music you will hear the vowel sound in the background of the music, which you can follow if needed.

The sound of panpipes adds more musicality and atmosphere to the composition. They have also been tuned 852 Hz. This instrument dates back to ancient greeks and was first used by shepherds in ancient times. Allow the simple melody of this instrument to help you to fully relax and settle into the empowering frequency of the ajna chakra.


If you purchase this music you will receive two files, one which includes the Panpipes. This instrument plays a gentle melody over the puretone. The second file is without the panpipse. It simply allows the puretone to resonate allowing for a deeper focus. If unsure, you can always give them both a try, to see what works best for you.

Enjoy, and I truly hope you find some joy and healing in my music.

Chakra: Third Eye

Name: Ajna

Colour: Indigo

Vowel: Aye (as in ‘may’)

Element: None

Frequency: 852 Hz

Location: Forehead, between the eyes


Copyright © 2022 Mishi. All rights reserved.

Please note this music is for personal use only and cannot be copied, reused, remixed, re-broadcasted or re-distributed in any way.

We are not licensed medical care providers and are not rendering personal medical advice or treatment in any way. All health related messages or music considered 'therapeutic' by the end user, are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treamtent from a physician or health care professional. If you are uncertain, we recommend that you seek advice from your quality health care professional before listening to any music that may impact your health and wellbeing.

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2 files available, both 30 minute in length (.mp3). One of the files includes the Panpipes, (as per the audio in the video), and the other is without.

- with Panpipes
- without Panpipes
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Third Eye Chakra, Ajna, 852 Hz

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